Shamanic Healing

Shamanism is an approach to personal healing and discovery that uses altered states of awareness to access information from the Spirit world and bring it into present reality for personal healing, insight, and understanding. Sessions are client driven and may include one or more of the offerings listed below.  More than one session may be required to meet a client’s need for spiritual direction, clarity, balance, and healing.  Please contact Julia for current location and availability.  Some services, such as house blessings and baby blessings, will occur in your home or community.

Rates: Sessions are $125/hour.  Sliding scale is available upon request (please see FAQs for details).  Longer ceremonies, such as soul retrievals, house blessings, and baby blessings, take 3-5 hours and are a sliding scale of $175-$350 depending on a client's circumstances.

Energy Cleansing and Extraction: This technique uses medicine tools, such as rattles or click sticks, to break up and remove energy that is foreign to your being so you can move through the world with greater ease and purpose.  Foreign energy accumulates naturally as we go through life, but its presence can have especially negative impacts on our sense of well being when we are exposed to stress, toxic relationships, challenging environments, illness, or conflict.  Periodic cleansing helps us stay free of these energetic traps so vitality can be restored.

Tarot or Oracle Reading: The client arrives with a question or dilemma that he/she/they need assistance in answering.  The practitioner retrieves a response on behalf of the client by making contact with the spirit realm, either through a spiritual journey or through tarot cards.

Heart Walk: This technique allows the practitioner to journey within a client’s true nature to uncover clues to personal happiness and sense of purpose.  Insights gleaned from the journey are discussed and written down for further exploration and application.

Soul Essence Retrieval: Soul loss can occur at anytime in a person’s life and can lead to a pervasive sense of lethargy, hopelessness, fatigue, fear, or worry.  This technique allows the practitioner to journey out to retrieve and return one lost essence or soul part so the client can feel more energized, purposeful, and present in the body.  This is a briefer version of the longer and more involved Soul Retrieval Ceremony, which brings back multiple soul parts at once.  Consult your practitioner to decide which option is best for you at this time.

Cord Cuttings: When we are in relationship with others, whether it is a person, place, or thing, our energetic bodies can become corded, causing a dysfunctional flow of energy that can either leave you feeling depleted or invaded by another.  While some small cords are necessary for committed relationships to grow, such as between a parent and young child or between partners, when cords become too large or outlive their purpose, they become energetic drains on our system.  In this technique, the practitioner is assisted by spirit allies to either remove or shrink cords so that the client’s energy can remain within his/her system and contribute to greater well being and vitality.     

Prenatal Baby Blessings: This ceremony celebrates the arrival of a new member of the family and also offers blessings and support to the parents and siblings of the baby.  The ceremony can be personalized with singing, dancing, or crafting in community.  The core of the blessing will center around assembling and infusing herbal remedies with blessings and prayers to support mom's healing in the first weeks after giving birth and to support the family unit as a whole during this transition.  This ceremony can be part of a traditional baby shower or as a stand alone event. 

Postnatal Baby Blessings: This ceremony occurs within the first year of a child's birth as a means of giving energetic and spiritual protection and honoring the family's growth through blessings, prayers, and celebration.  Similar to a baptism in other traditions, this ceremony welcomes a new child into its community and allows loved ones to offer the family love and support.

Soul Retrieval: This is a 3-4 hour ceremony that can involve a variety of shamanic healing techniques depending on the needs of the client.  Extraction, elemental balancing, cord cuttings, soul essence retrieval, heart walks, and power animal/spiritual ally retrieval can all occur within one session should the timing be right.  Signs of soul loss can vary, but common symptoms are feeling dull, empty, directionless, anxious, distant from others, depressed, emotionally fragile or unpredictable, obsessed, or scared.  Feeling like you are stuck, or can't move on from an event can also occur when pieces of the self have fragmented.  Such fragmentation of the soul can occur when the soul feels powerless, scared, traumatized, or unappreciated.  There are many situations that can lead to soul loss, but the lingering impact is a sense that something is missing from you living an authentic and meaningful life.  Please consult your practitioner to see if this ceremony is right for you.  

House (or Business) Blessings: The spaces we inhabit absorb energy and memories from those who have lived within them.   When moving to a new home or business location, clearing out the old is an important step in settling in and making the new space reflect your dreams and values.  This 3-5 hour ceremony is much like the Soul Retrieval ceremony listed above, only it is for the land and structure of your home or business.  If you have lived in the same location for awhile, getting a house blessing is a great way to hit the energetic "reset" button so that old addictive patterns, thoughts, arguments, habits, and blockages that held you up in the past can be removed and replaced with nourishing and vital energy.